Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chilmark Beach Key Sells For $459,000 on Martha's Vineyard

Yes you read that correctly! A key which opens a gate leading to a beach in Chilmark sold for $459,000. The beach is Hancock Beach which is located off of 143 Quenames Road in Chilmark. Douglas Husid and Amy Mood McGrath Trustees of The Pond House Realty Trust purchased the beach lot from Hilary Walton. It is the first Hancock Beach lot that was made available since 2005. Keep in mind this is a shared beach. Approximately 50 other owners also have access/keys to the .9 acre parcel of land

which makes up the private beach.
It was sold privately never making it to the open real estate market. 2% of the selling price is included in the purchase, which is made payable to the Martha's Vineyard Land Bank Commission for every real estate purchase on the island.

Please visit my website to search all properties for sale on Martha's Vineyard. I can be reached at 617-429-5219. Thanks for viewing!